Calista E. Larned (1821-1899)


Calista Larned was an associate and friend of the Chapin family. The connection is unknown, but she appears to have an intimate connection to the Chapin family. She worked in the Urbana school district eventually reaching the rank of Superintendent. Calista’s letters reveal parts of her life and bits of information regarding the Chapin family moving out of their house in Urbana-Champaign. Calista did what she could to help find someone to move into the house as the last of the Chapin family moved to Danville.

Calista says very little about herself and more about the people she interacts with in her letters. The most she says about herself is in regards to the apparently rushed nature of her taking over the duties of superintendent in the Urbana school district. She appears to be very happy in that office despite expressing a number of concerns for the people around her she knows personally.

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