Marcia (Chapin) Christy - August 14, 1875 - Yankee Ridge, IL

Aug. 14, 1875.pdf

Mrs L D Chapin

Champaign city


Yankee Ridge

August 14 1875

Dear Mother

I thought I should see you today but I cant so I will have to content myself in writing Mr Foster and Ada Coffman came out Friday so there is a load with out me I think I will be home next Friday and stay till Sunday if all keep well Edie has been up to Champaign and Condit all the week so I have been housekeeper Edie will be at home today I have been drying corn this week I have dried enough for you and me I have got the crock full of pickles next week the tomatoes will be ripe

Mrs and Mr Farnsworth took tea with me Friday she spent the afternoon with me two babies one a year old and the other 6 weeks old Tuesday the better I get acquainted with her I like her better Mr Christy had a sore hand could not work so he came up Wensday stayed all day Mrs Evens told him if it was the [illegible] that I would tell him what to do for it so I did I heard from him last night it was well Mrs Baker is well lively as a cricket came out and stay a week Lov Parker is verry sick Mrs James is sick Bilous Fever I shall have to look out for [illegible] Fever Mr [illegible] have been sick Sarah and Steve but is better now Aunt Kate is in Mass Westboro at her sisters She is longing to go home and Lucy to how is Sister Larnard [Larned] and Family give my Love to her I shall try to go to see her when I come home. I have got my Delain quilt done got my other one set together ready to quilt my bolt of muslin made 8 sheets and and 8 pillow cases they are made bleached washed and put away Herbert says I have gained residence here so I had better stay all summer Mr Eaton is in [Vermont?] yet Ada says she will try to make you a visit this week I see in paper wher Bill Rennar and Frank Vest stole $45.00 from Galagar what are the Rennar Family come to. Low as the Lowest So I will quit for this time


From Your Daughter

Marcia F. Bocock

Love to yourself and Maggie and Harris if he is at home I hope you are all well