Power and Light for Home and Factory

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Rural Electricity

Rural electricity was rare at the turn of the 20th century. As McKinley's electric system spread across Central Illinois, so too did the opportunity to power communities served by the traction system. 

The Urbana Daily Courier reported on June 12, 1912 that the Village of Ogden voted to sign a franchise agreement with the ITS to light the community.

"Lights will be put on each street corner, and the business houses and residences wishing them will also have them installed.”

By 1914, ninety-one communities were powered and illuminated thanks to agreements with the Illinois Traction System. St. Joseph and Ogden were two Champaign County communities that benefited from such franchise agreements in 1911.

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The Champaign power generation plant was located just north of downtown Champaign.

Power and Light for Home and Factory